2.1 Ethiopia – Frumentius and Ezana

This next series we will be learning all about the church of Ethiopia. This church is far more ancient than most in Europe and has a rich history of over 1,000 years, and yet is almost totally forgotten by the western Church. It all began with a captive turned accidental missionary, and a young prince in the early 300s AD.

4 thoughts on “2.1 Ethiopia – Frumentius and Ezana”

  1. Before my retirement I served a group of Eritrean immigrants at Mt Calvary in Phoenix. While more pietist and “protestant” than I expected, I was delighted to serve these wonderful people for 5-6 years.

    1. Thank you for the comment Pastor Poedel! We also have a wonderful family from Eritrea in our congregation.

  2. Thanks for exploring new places. Wow! Amazing and fascinating. Best episode yet.
    One of my best friends at CSUF was a Muslim from Djibouti so she was French speaking. (She made the best tea ever) We should do an event when restrictions are eased that introduces the church to Christian places and traditions we are not familiar with. I’ll make the tea!
    On a side note, what happened to the family from Eritrea that attended Christ Lu?

    1. Hi Suzanne! Thanks for the feedback. I think an event like that would be wonderful. The Adhanoms are still a part of the church, but they have been staying away with Covid. Dr. Abraham Adhanom has been very helpful with my research. His father was an Orthodox priest who converted to Lutheranism and became a pastor.

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