Why “Forebearers”, not “Forebears”?

It’s true, the more well-known version of these two words is the latter, “forebear”. And actually your spell check might say that “forebearer” is not a word.  But I chose it for two reasons.  Originally I had thought to use “forefathers”, but there are many faithful women whose stories I also wanted to tell.  The second is that these people are not just ancestors, but they have also carried the faith before us.  In that sense they bore the torch of faith before us, so that it could be passed to us many generations later.  That’s why the symbol of the podcast is a torch.  The faith has been carried from one generation to the next until it has come to us.

The Method of the Podcast

Each Episode will focus on a different person or persons of church history.  I hope to look at people from all across the world, of all different social levels.  However, because of the scarcity of material from the middle ages, most of these will be people whom someone found important enough to write about, or who wrote themselves.


The Origin of the Podcast

I have been listening to history podcasts for a long time.  The two most influential to me are The History of Rome, by Mike Duncan, and Forgotten to the West, by Lars Brownworth.  Both of those heavily influenced my style, and my interest in podcasting.  They are both excellent as well, and provide some good background for some of the material I cover.